Trump quote: "When I took over our military, we did not have ammunition, I was told by a top general, maybe the top of them all, 'Sir, I'm sorry sir, we don't have ammunition.'”
It’s unclear which “top of them all” General the President is referring to; perhaps General Motors, General Mills, General Electric, maybe General Hospital? These could conceivably be wanting for ammunition, though I struggle a bit to think of why they’d need it in the first place. The President did say “military,” did he not? Hmmm.
Anyway, we all know the President; he can be narcissistic, psychotic, and sociopathic from time to time, and yes, he is a pathological liar with the bonus trait of believing many of his own lies. This is just the way he is, no big deal, and if this scares our allies abroad, so what, it’s America First in this banana republic. Come on already, the President HAS told us repeatedly, time and time again, over and over, many times over, that immediately upon his “taking over the country,” HE commenced the noble task of repairing and rebuilding the military to a state of glory that is far and above that which anyone has ever seen. So, you say that you’ve yet to see or hear anything about this new and improved military, and you don’t know anybody who has. Of course, nobody’s seen it, it’s the military, and the military is CLASSIFIED.
So, if the President says that he re-stocked the military’s inventory of bullets, then that’s what he did. Just like having the biggest inauguration crowd ever, discovering that windmills cause cancer, discovering and revealing that Obama wasn’t born in the US, making us rich by forcing foreign countries to pay his import tariffs, created the best economy ever, revived the steel, coal and automaker industries, uncovered corruption in Ukraine, and, true to his promise to the American People is rapidly building a border wall with Mexico, thereby eliminating the flow of criminals, rapists, drugs and human trafficking into our beloved country.
So damn Obama, his Sex Reassigned Wife, Rosie O’Donnell, John Brennan, Jim Comey, all Democrats (along with their evil spawn,) Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, the Liberal Media, and above all, Lyin’, Cheatin’, Godless, Crooked Hilary Clinton for depriving White, Workin’-class, Trump-lovin’, Bible-Totin’, God-fearin’, Confederate-Flag-Flyin’, hard workin’ American Citizens of their 2nd Amendment right to shoot at whatever’s movin’ too fast towards their general location and Our President’s right to shoot anybody he damn well pleases!
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